Highway 93 is one of the only roads in and out of Midland so travelling past this property is guaranteed. A classic Canadian barn clad in weathered pine with rubble foundations has always caught my eye when driving past, it was no surprise that this barn would become the inspiration for a master suite addition to the existing house.
The addition sits atop what was once the original 100 + year old farm house, structural considerations where given to allow for a cantilevered second floor perched atop the existing construction which consists of rubble foundations complete with hand cut rough timber floor joists. Respect is paid to maintain the existing farm house and integrate a new more contemporary second floor addition.
Size: 420.10 sq. ft.
Project Year / Status: 2020 - 2021
Client: Private Client
Type: Residential Addition
Location: Tiny Township, Ontario
Architecture | Interiors - Daymark Design Incorporated
Principal Designer | Documentation: Adrian Worton
Structural Consultant - STRUCT Engineering Inc.
Engineer: Mark Steenhof
Construction Team
General Contractor - Gilkon Construction Limited
Adrian Ozimek, Ozimek Photography - Copyright
Dwell: Feature
Our Homes: Feature